Simple Keyboard Shortcuts

My laptop’s mouse track pad has been on keyboardthe fritz for the last few weeks. Although this has been a major inconvenience and source of eternal frustration, I have forced myself to find the silver lining. It has provided the opportunity to brush up on my keyboard shortcuts. There are some that I use on a daily basis (CTRL+T) and others which I have recently discovered (CTRL+Enter).

Here is a list of my top 5 favorite keyboard shortcuts:

1. Open a new tab : CTRL + T

I use this shortcut everyday. Every. Single. Day. I am a proud tab queen with an average of around 10 website tabs open at any given moment. CTRL + T allows me to quickly open a new tab and search for whatever is currently on the tip of my fingers.

2. Open the last closed tab: CTRL + Shift + T

Accidents happen, especially when you have 10+ tabs open at one time. You are bound to close one of them unintentionally. No need to panic. Click CTRL + Shift + T and your lost tab will reappear.

3. Open and view links in a new window: CTRL + Shift + Click

I like to read forums that have a plethora of extra links to various images, videos, and other websites in the comment section. Instead of continuously right clicking and tediously scrolling through the options list, I can hold a few buttons and click. This is a subtle yet useful shortcut.

4. Add www. and .com to text in an address bar: CTRL + Enter

I don’t use this shortcut often, but it is fun to play with when you are typing in a website manually. You’ll never need to type www. or .com into the address bar ever again! My first test was typing ‘pizza’ in the address bar, clicking CTRL + Enter and it brought me to Fun.

5. Scroll down on a webpage: Space bar

This is another useful shortcut for reading long forum comments. In addition to using the up and down arrows, you can press the space bar to incrementally scroll down the webpage. No more fussing with fickle mouse track pads to scroll down endless comment sections. Just press the space bar.

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